Saturday, December 28, 2019
Music Industry And Its Influence On Modern Society
In the twenty-first century, we have an abundant variety of music genres, old and new. Music has a versatile role in modern society. Music serves just as many purposes as it possesses in genres. For listeners, music is not simply an escape or form of entertainment; it is a source of inspiration and self-expression. Sometimes, this can be problematic and lead to false identities and music miscegenation. The music industry has had a powerful influence on what listeners consume. In this process, traditional black music genres have crossed over to the mainstream. This has been problematic in that it gives listeners the sense that the music industry is fully integrated. In reality, the white dominated music industry and labels are still using†¦show more content†¦This forged an identity of cultural togetherness as time progressed, but in reality, this was just a new form of cultural appropriation and subjugation. Despite the musical politics in regards to control, black expressio n has voiced itself in the past century. The innovations of jazz and gospel music paved the way for soul, funk, disco, and rhythm blues and then expanded that pathway for rap and hip-hop in the later half of the century. Various innovations such as 12 bar blues and beat matching can be attributed to African-American culture. One genre of music that emerged from African-American roots was disco. Although disco expanded and became popularized in mainstream culture, disco began as an expression of black and Latino power. Disco possesses elements of Afro-Cuban salsa as well as Jamaican dub, reggae, and ska. Disco served as a versatile cultural tool for not only ethnic minorities but also gay rights activism, prior to its adoption by white audiences and artists. There was backlash by white audiences and rock musicians towards black disco artist heard on the radio and this lead to the coined phrase, â€Å"disco sucks.†Disco went on to die by the eve of the eighties, but element s of groove and fast paced beats are still prevalent in today’s popular music. Many of the RB and rock artists who conformed to disco during its popularity returned to their authentic identity
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Victims of Police Brutality What would You Do - 2013 Words
What would you or someone you love was a victim of police brutality? Would you report it, fight it, or go on as if nothing happened? Despite research studies proving that the use of police brutality is a part of self-defense for the law enforcement, others opponents disagree on this research and feel they’re abusing their authority and using excessive force. Police brutality has been around for decades. In the 1960’s, African Americans were seeking to declare their rights to vote, march, or enter desegregated school caused conflicts with the white Americans and were trying to deny any Black citizen from joining anything that included white citizens, but because the African Americans knew that violence was not the answer to their†¦show more content†¦The next several day’s riots accumulated in Los Angeles because of the trial. The riot caused 60 deaths, 2,000 injuries, and $1 billion of damage. After the King riots similar police brutality continued in New York City that made major cities headlines. A Haitian immigrant Abner Louima was beaten severely and sodomized with a bathroom plunger by New York Police Department officers that were following his arrest outside of the nightclub. Police detectives shot an unarmed 23 year old immigrant from Guinea because they thought his wallet was a gun, the officers fired 41 shots, hitting the 23 year old 19 times. They were acquitted of all charged, that sparked widespread protests throughout New York City. Since the 90’s the crime rate has fallen but allegations of police brutality has continued. Critics have pointed out that LAPD officers shot and killed 70 percent more than suspects in 2011 than in 2010, even the murder rate in Los Angeles in 2011 had fallen to its lowest rate since 1963. (â€Å"Police Brutality†, Feb.) As us Americans we have the right to defend ourselves, and there is laws that protect the use of deadly force in public places. If we have the right to give harm to others because we feel threatened then why is it such a problem for officers using force if they feel threatened? According to polls from Issues and Controversies, Americans have aShow MoreRelatedPolice Brutality Of The United States1415 Words  | 6 PagesPolice Brutality Police abuse is one of the most violated human rights in the United States. Police are portrayed as heroes that stop bank robbers, stop kidnappings and catch murders, but as of recent year’s police actions have come into the public eye. While typically citizens worry about their safety from criminals, it also seems they have to keep an eye out for the people who are supposed to protect them from danger. Thousands of complaints about police brutality is reported each year, and seemsRead MorePersuasive Essay On Police Brutality1467 Words  | 6 PagesHow can we trust the ones that’s killing us? Law enforcement and police officers play a major role in our community. They help those in need keep us safe. Nationwide they also kill an average of 3 people every day. I thought whenever you become an officer, you have sworn to protect us. Police brutality is a major issue in our society today. Police work is dangerous. In the past, police officers were considered peacekeepe rs. Police have been occupied in shootings, severe beatings, and unnecessarilyRead MorePolice Misconduct and Police Brutality985 Words  | 4 Pages We hear about police misconduct case and wonder, Why don’t they do anything to stop this? Many say that we should keep the police officers’ perspective in mind. Others say that these actions are due to racism or post 9/11 paranoia. 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Police deal with these people and after time working as officers they become paranoid, and respond aggressively in situationsRead MoreEnglish 1A Essay 3 1 3 1624 Words  | 7 PagesNovember 2014 The Horrors of Police Brutality Imagine being in the Bart train, going to a party with some of your friends, but while in route, you are shot by the Bart police for a crime you did not commit. This is the story of a young man named Oscar Grant. On New Years Eve of 2009, he was fatally shot. . Police brutality is the use of excessive force, physically or verbally, by a police officer. In one year, how many incidents of police brutality or misconduct do you think have occurred? In theRead MoreRacism And White Privilege Enforcement Essay1292 Words  | 6 PagesPolice officers, who were once referred to as peace keepers, are now more law enforcement officers. Police agencies around the United States seem to be stuck more on quotas and creating revenue for their county or city. 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An officer smashed his head through a plate glass window, when Brock refused t o go into the officer’s lunchroom (Police Brutality
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Strategic Management Practical Strategy Development
Question: Describe about the Practical strategy development for Strategic Management. Answer: Introduction Topic and Company background Formerly known as Coles Myer Limited, it witnessed its establishment almost a century ago Coles Supermarket Australia Pty Ltd is one of the leading and most consistent retail industries in Australia. The founding father of the Coles chain of supermarkets was George Coles and is considered to be among chief figures in the growth and development of Australian retail industries. Retailing being the family business of Georges and George decided to visit the United States in the 20th century to observe the retail practices of the retail industries based in the United States. Subsequent to the return from the United States, George started its very own retail store in Collingwood on Smith Street at Melbourne (Alexander, 2008). In the year 1985 Coles supermarkets and Myers Emporium merged together and came to be Coles Myer Limited. The Coles Myer Limited was bought out by Wesfarmers in the year 2007 after Myers emerged itself two years prior. At present the company is operating its tradition al business of retailing food products all over the Australian continent. The retail company is the second largest retailing company in Australia after Woolworths Limited. The company makes use of a self-service approach in its retail centres and further caters office and home delivery services. The company operates at 738 retail stores across Australia and grosses over eleven million transactions every week. Coles Australia Supermarkets Pty Ltd has a workforce of 113000 employees who operate at over 2200 retail outlets strewn across Australia (Allio, 2006). Company Mission and vision statement For over a century the company has continued its operation as one of the leading retail brands with its outstanding services to the customer, excellent product quality and promoting high work values among its employees. The company envisages George Coles vision and the efforts he had invested in the development of Australian retail industry, and focuses on taking its operations towards a sustainable future. The prime mission of the company is to: Support the Australian farmers by all means as they are the chief source from whom the company obtains the majority of its products. Form lasting relationships with its clients and business associates, which would result in the overall growth and development of the business (Dholakia, 2015). To bring to its valued customers its best products and services. The vision of the company is to develop their business into a premier retail brand. The company wants to achieve this without affecting its customer goodwill. They are focused on bringing quality products to their customers at affordable prices as they are doing at present. In addition, they are keen on developing the business in a manner so that they are able to support their employees, clients, associates, and other business interests. The company is conscious in regards to the conservationism and focuses sustainable development. Their vision is to create a sense of commitment among their employees and associates which would result in operation that supports sustainability of resources in each and every aspect of their business (Gondra, 2016). Organizational Strategic objectives The organizational objectives set by the company are as under: The company strives to establish itself as the only one of its kind retail brands bringing quality products to its customers at affordable prices. The company focuses on improving their customer responsiveness i.e. the way the customer feels about their products and services. The company wants to establish an efficient communication system across all of its stores and outlets. The company focuses on serving their valued clients with the best services and products. The company is focused on reinstating their customer support services to reach out to the customers in regards to their troubles (Grubb, Lippoldt and Tergeist, 2001). To manage the waste disposal system more efficiently and make its contribution towards preserving the environment. The company focuses on promoting business operations which are eco-friendly and will lead to the transformation of the company into a sustainable retail chain. External Analysis: Consumer and Markets Considerable changes have taken place in regards to the legal and political atmosphere in the last decade, which has taken its toll on the company. The Australian federal government has instated an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, which has been responsible for the introduction of number changes in the competition policies of the industries. Among these there were legislative changes in regards to tax, production and distribution that have affected the retail industry in considering and formulating its business strategies. Demographic factors At the end of 2012 the population survey analysis in the country marked a 1.8% increase in its urban population. A vast majority of the population is concentrated in the countrys urban centres comprising both the indigenous people and Australian white peoples communities. The analysis further denoted that the majority of the Australian population consisted of youth (Hiriyappa, 2009). This means that the company has to focus on opening up retail centres at these urban centres for the distribution of their products. Furthermore, they should also focus on developing and promoting products that would attract people between the age group of 15-67 years. This is as bulk amount of the population consisting of people between this age group. Technological environment The last decade was a witness to the rapid spur in the technological advancement. More and more people are now relying on technology for their day to day needs. The company should focus on developing their technologies in a manner that their customers are able to reach out to them by means of employing modern technologies like mobile application systems and ecommerce. In addition, the company should also focus, providing support system for their customers and clients, where they would be able to remotely assist the customers and clients remotely and at a short notice regarding their products or delivery services (Jackson, 2006). Socio-cultural factors One of the leading trends in the current socio-cultural environment is that the consumers are more aware of the products they are consuming. Moreover, with the global trend regarding organic food products which are free of preservatives and other chemicals, people have become more and more conscious in regards to the food that are being sold to them. Therefore, in order to meet with the current socio-cultural demands of the people the company has to cater to them food products which are organic and free of preservatives (Richter, 2002). Apart from this, people have become more time conscious and give priority to those services which are able to cater to their needs within the shortest period of time. As the company has home and office delivery facility for its customers they should focus on analysing the demands of their customers and provide them accordingly. Global environment Globalization has bought great strides in the development of businesses. This revolution has not only assisted the businesses in promoting their products and services in the international markets but also has given businesses the opportunity to establish business centres in international markets as well. This means that the company can invest in an international market. For instance, Malaysian market is well reputed for the import and business for Australian fresh and preserved fruits (Sitkin, Cardinal and Bijlsma-Frankema, 2010). Therefore, the company after performing a thorough analysis on the said market may consider promoting their business. PESTEL analysis Political: Till now the business policies of Coles has not met any sort political boundaries, apart from the logistical limitations imposed by the regulations set by the concerned governing body of the particular sector. Economic: Coles has encountered economic obtrusion as a result of the consecutive droughts and the climatic change it brought. Consumers change of preference has also been a factor in this regard. Social: Coles has been responsible for educating their consumers in regards to sustainable sea-food alternatives, and has also been a partner in the 2011 WWF Australias establishment of a sustainable sea-food chain in the country (Ward and Peppard, 2002). Technological: Incorporating self service and self checkouts in their retail outlets has increased customer satisfaction and sped up the shopping process. The four Ps of the company: Product: packaged food and fresh food. Price: affordable prices. Promotions: television and radio short and long term advertisement campaigns along with multimedia promotional activities through social networking sites (Valukonis, 2014). Place: the products are supplied from the major growing regions of the country. The company 24 centres throughout the country for the distribution of fresh and chilled foods. The company further deals out its fresh food products through more 700 supermarkets across the nation. Environmental: With the rapid increase of pressure over the companies in regards to environmental issues and adopting new ways of detailed operations that can benefit the society, Coles is quite dedicated towards reducing its carbon footprint. Coles supermarket has also taken initiative to minimize the waste produced in the stores. Legal: Laws and ethics are also to be maintained by this specific section of work field. How the employee of the organization behave with the customers, if the organization is providing wrong product to the people, or the organization is putting the proper amount of tax to the table of government or anything which violates rules and regulations of the government are maintained by this wing of field. The five Cs of the company: Company: employing over 113000 employees and carrying out operations at over 2200 retail outlets. Customers: common people. Climate: doing well in regards to customer retention, and satisfaction; innovation in regards to marketing and, product strategies, financial capability and ethical work culture. Collaborators: local farmers, shepherds, ranchers, fisheries and bakers are its major collaborators focused on sustainable development. Competitors: Aldi, Woolworths, IGA and several other small and medium retailers. Conclusion The above analysis obviously clarifies the manner on how an organization like Coles supermarkets Australia will be able to maintain their business and also their aim towards developing a sustainable business culture. How the objectives, visions will put an impact on the people of the society, what should be the quality of relation among the management, authority, customers and the employees. Lastly, the strategic plans should be for an organization like Coles supermarkets Australia for their rival organizations, and how the objectives can be fulfilled by them, everything has been classified. References Alexander, C. (2008).Market risk analysis. Chichester, England: Wiley. Allio, M. (2006). Practical strategy development: a wise investment for middle market businesses.Journal of Business Strategy, 27(2), pp.31-42. Dholakia, N. (2015). Marketing as mystification.Marketing Theory. Gondra, A. (2016). Head external analysis, head raising analysis or matching analysis? Let's ask experimental syntax.Lingua. Grubb, D., Lippoldt, D. and Tergeist, P. (2001).Innovations in labour market policies. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Hiriyappa, B. (2009).Organizational behavior. New Delhi: New Age International. Jackson, S. (2006). Coping with the PESTEL Factors in Safety and Security.INSIGHT, 8(3), pp.29-31. Jackson, S. (2007). Market share is not enough: why strategic market positioning works.Journal of Business Strategy, 28(1), pp.18-25. Richter, T. (2002).Marketing mix standardisation in international marketing. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Sitkin, S., Cardinal, L. and Bijlsma-Frankema, K. (2010).Organizational control. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Valukonis, M. (2014). CHINA'S STOCK MARKET TRENDS AND THEIR DETERMINANTS ANALYSIS USING MARKET INDICES.ecoman, 18(4). Ward, J. and Peppard, J. (2002).Strategic planning for information systems. Chichester, West Sussex, England: J. Wiley.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Test Essay Research Paper THE TESTThe free essay sample
The Test Essay, Research Paper THE Trial The Test is a short narrative by Angelica Gibbs which illustrates the issue of power maltreatment, where actions all originate from personal biass and ignorance. The characters ; Marion, the Inspector and Mrs. Ericson represent three different societies which collide and are caught in a state of affairs where there is a victim, a culprit, and a denying, yet guilty looker-on. Representing the first # 8220 ; society # 8221 ; is Marion. Though stereotyped by some ( the Inspector ) as being an ignorant and uneducated black adult female, who is expected to be illiterate, married and to come from the South. In this narrative, Marion proves these racialist premises to be incorrect, and in bend, shows that she is an single. Marion understands, and is to the full cognizant of the bias that nescient white Americans have about her, and the unjust manner they treat her, due to her sex, race, and the coloring material of her tegument. This cognition was revealed when she rebuked Mrs. Ericson # 8217 ; s suggestion that she should # 8220 ; steal them a small something # 8221 ; by stating, # 8220 ; No, that would merely do it worse, Mrs. Ericson. I know # 8221 ; . Aware that she is a victim of bias, Marion strives to construct a protective barrier around herself ; disregarding the cruel shot, remarks and actions of others, and concealing her choler, defeat and hurt feelings under a mask and outer outside of unagitated indifference. During the Driving Test, Marion endured the Inspector # 8217 ; s cruel and provoking remarks, and his obvious disdain in her. It was merely when he belittled and laughed at her college grade did Marion # 8217 ; s unagitated outside of indifference break down ; # 8211 ; # 8221 ; I got my college grade last twelvemonth # 8221 ; , Marion said, her voice was non rather steady. # 8211 ; and eventually collapsed wholly as she could command herself no longer, and burst out # 8211 ; # 8220 ; Damn you! # 8221 ; . As she said this, Marion realised that she had failed The Test ; that it was all over, and in the terminal, the Inspector # 8217 ; s power had won. Representing a society of white Americans who feel that their # 8217 ; high quality # 8217 ; gives them the right to utilize their power to mistreat others because they are prejudiced against them, is the Inspector. The Inspector wields his authorization like a whip # 8211 ; striking out whenever he pleases. He is to the full cognizant of his power, and has no vacillation in taking full advantage and control of the state of affairs ; proving and teasing Marion ; stepping over her boundaries, and make bolding her to belie him. In the Inspector # 8217 ; s eyes, Marion represents all nescient # 8216 ; Southern darkies # 8217 ; , and he links and relates all her actions to others of her race ; for illustration # 8211 ; # 8220 ; Turn onto Main Street and allow # 8217 ; s see how you-all does in heavier traffic # 8221 ; . He does non see Marion as an single # 8211 ; and does non trouble oneself to name her by her existent name, but alternatively refers to her as Mandy-Lou, a com mon name give to black native servants/slaves. Upon detecting that the premises he had made about Marion were wrong, and that he had been proven incorrect, the Inspector experiences assorted emotions. He is angered to be made a sap, by a ‘black nobody’ . He is besides covetous of Marion’s college grade, as he might non hold one himself. Last, the Inspector feels threatened ; as to his horror, he comes to gain that he may non be as superior and powerful as he thinks or pretends to be. If the Inspector represents an ugly and open signifier of racism, Mrs. Ericson portrays a non much less racist, but in a more hushed signifier and latent, 3rd society. Mrs. Ericson is a typical illustration of the authoritative white progressive. She is person who regards herself as being tolerant, sensible, and most understanding # 8211 ; particularly towards Marion ; a black adult female. Yet, she refuses to believe that Marion is being judged below the belt by the Inspectors because of their racism towards black people, and alternatively denies and attempts to do alibis for their actions. Marion # 8211 ; # 8220 ; They likely do like it better if a white individual shows up with you # 8221 ; . Mrs. Ericson # 8211 ; # 8221 ; Oh, I don # 8217 ; t believe its that # 8221 ; . Mrs. Ericson merely feels that Marion is being excessively sensitive ; doing excessively large a trade, and conceive ofing all of this, and that she was treated in the same mode as any white female in the same state of affairs. Marion # 8211 ; # 8220 ; I don # 8217 ; t retrieve making all the things the Inspector marked down on my space # 8221 ; . Mrs. Ericson # 8211 ; # 8220 ; Peoples say that they merely want you to steal them a small something # 8221 ; . But what Mrs. Ericson does non gain, or what she won # 8217 ; t let herself to acknowledge, is the fact that if a white adult female and Marion ; a black adult female, were to both # 8217 ; steal them ( the Inspectors ) a small something # 8217 ; , the result to both state of affairss would be wholly different. Mrs. Ericson enjoys holding Marion work for her as a housekeeper and kid minder, and she does non truly desire to assist or help Marion, in seeking to obtain the higher degree of employment that a individual with her high degree of instruction should hold. Mrs. Ericson likes things being the manner they are, and she likely thinks that Marion is soon at her right position in American society. Mrs. Ericson appears to be sort, and generous towards Marion. Yet she is patronizing and complicit. She does non assail the system in which racism and bias has a choking clasp over black Americans, and the ground is merely that she benefits from the apparatus. Therefore, in her ain manner, Mrs. Ericson is in fact about merely every bit racialist as the Inspector, though she would neer convey herself to acknowledge that it is so. But alternatively, hides it under the ness of Patriotism, and White Liberality. In this short narrative, the writer uses three characters as symbols of three separate groups in America. This narrative illustrates the deficiency of power that inkinesss feel, and the racism that they experience ; either in an open signifier such as that of the Inspector, or in the more hushed and latent signifier of the patronizing Mrs. Ericson. This short, yet powerful and meaningful narrative, reveals how incapacitated black people feel ; in a prejudiced and nescient society, where the maltreatment of power can determine their fate.
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