Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Milk and Fresh Fruit Juice Essay Example for Free
Milk and Fresh Fruit Juice Essay Breast milk can be produced fresh or can be frozen for use at a later date. Breast milk can be left for up to five days in a fridge with a tempeture of 4 degrees Celsius or lower, it can be left up to two weeks in the freezer compartment of a fridge. If the breast milk is frozen it can be left up to six months in a freezer with a tempeture of at least minus 18 degrees Celsius. It is recommended by the department of health that formula milk should be made fresh rather than made up in advance, for more convience liquid formula can be bought. If liquid formula isn’t available then a flask with boiling water can be made so formula can be made when needed. EYMP3-5. 2 It is important to follow carer’s instructions regarding dietary requirements as some children will have severe reactions to some food. Diabetic children will have specific dietary requirements that need to be followed carefully because if not could lead to the child having low or high blood sugars. Children that have food intolerances may get diarrhoea if they are given foods that they are intolerant to. Children with known allergies should be supervised whilst eating. The signs of an allergic reaction are; swelling of the lips and eyes, redness of the face or other parts of the body. They could also start to itch or have difficulty breathing. Children with a severe may be prescribed an epi pen and training should be given before administrating. EYMP3-5. 3 CULTURE| DIETARY REQUIREMENTS|. Hindu| Mainly vegetarianSome lambPork rarelyNo beefSome chickenSome cheeseNo milk or yoghurt with rennetSome eggs and shellfishNo fast periods| Muslim| Halal lamb, beef and chickenNo porkSome cheeseNo milk/yoghurtHalal fish/shellfishFast during ramadan| Christian| Some lambNo porkSome beef and chickenMost cheese/milk/yoghurt/eggsSome fishNo shellfishNo cocoa/tea/coffeeNo fast periods| Jewish| No PorkKosher Beef/chicken/lambNo cheese or milk with meatNo blood spots in eggsNo ShellfishFish with fins and scalesFast periods on Yom Kippur for adults| Sikh| No beefPork rarelySome lambSome chicken and cheeseSome fish and shellfishMilk/yoghurtNo fast periods| Buddhist| Mainly vegetarianEating fish and meat is allowed in Buddhism, though vegetarianism is encouraged. Buddha advised the monks to avoid eating ten kinds of meat for their self-respect and protection: humans, elephants, horses, dogs, snakes, lions, tigers, boars and hyenas. Some animals attack people when they smell the flesh of their own kind. Tibetans will not ever eat fish, and usually stay away from foul. The reason is that different kinds of meat supposedly give different kinds of obscurations. Fish, the obscuration of aggression; foul the obscuration of desire; and red meat the obscruration of ignorance. Evidently, they would take the ignorance over the others. Also, it was generally better to eat red meat because the animal killed was very large and only one life had to be taken to feed many people; with fish, you usually have to take many more lives to fill the same number of stomachs. | Rastafarian| Some lambNo porkSome beef, chicken, cheese, milk yoghurtNo shellfishNo fast periods| EYMP 3 – 5. 4 Educating children in food management and portion control is very important as eating habits developed in childhood will continue into later life. Education starts with the parents and it is in the home where all children’s eating habits are formed. Leaflets should be given to parents when they give birth about properly feeding their children and the importance of nutritional value of food. Nurseries and schools should give regular newsletters to parents with the importance of nutritional value in foods. Educational establishments should educate children and parents about the importance of portion control and ensure that correct portion sizes are given. This message can be reinformed with smaller plates. Health Visitors, school nurseries, health professionals and dieticians are all crucial in spreading the message to children and parents about the importance of healthy eating and portion control. They are also crucial in checking that children are gaining weight healthily but not too much. Encouraging lots of physical play in school/nursery will help in keeping childrens weight under control. Educating children in the importance of not bullying other children who are overweight is also very important. SHC 32 – 1. 1 Job description Look after children and ensure they are kept healthy and safe Ensure all health and safety guidelines are strictly adhered to Carry out risk assessments before any new activities/toys are introduced Devise educational and fun activities for children from age 4 to 11 Supervises activities Supervise children Read to the children Supervise toilet trips Prepare healthy and nutricious snacks for children Keep play areas clean and tidy Assist children with homework Baking with the children SHC 32 1. 2 I am expected to follow the following codes of practice: Safeguarding – ensuring that the children are kept safe whilst in our care and also be very observant as to what happens when the children are not in our care, ie if the children arrive with bruises or if they are upset, shaken or distressed when they arrive or as they are leaving. Also to make sure that other staff treat all the children well and do not mistreat any of them. Whistleblowing Policy – ensuring that if there is anything that we do not feel comfortable about, for example if we feel that one of the staff members are behaving inappropriately towards any of the children, we are expected to report this to our Manager to ensure that action is taken to prevent further mistreatment. Health Safety at Work Act – acting responsibly in the environment in which we work. Ensuring that we follow all guidelines to keep our work place safe and that we keep ourselves, our colleagues and the children safe. National minimum standards – EYFS Welfare Requirements – ensuring that children are developing properly in line with targets set for their ages. National Occupational Standards – Ensuring that we conform to best practice set within the industry to make sure that we are complying with standards set. SHC 32 2. 3 Working practices may be affected if hypothetically my Manager decided that a game of hopscotch was not appropriate for the young children to play but, as a younger person, I believed that it was a safe game to play. I would have a discussion with my Manager and explain why I thought it was safe and my Manager would explain that she had carried out a risk assessment for Hopscotch and decided that it was inappropriate. In a previous role, I did not agree with the way a member of staff disciplined young children when she was unhappy with their behaviour. She shouted at the child without coming down to their level or explaining what the child did. I was uncomfortable with this and brought it to the attention of my Manager who addressed this with the member of staff. This gave me the confidence and experience to ensure that I was very aware of the way my colleagues behaved and to take appropriate action when required. SHC 32 4. 1 I have regular meetings with my Supervisor to discuss how I am progressing within my role and any feedback from parents or colleagues is passed on to me. I have regular meetings with my Manager to discuss my progression where I am asked if I need any additional help or whether I have any comments as to how we can make things better. I regularly meet with my colleagues to discuss planning and how we can make things better for the children and planning activities for the different age groups to ensure all our activities are consistent with each other. I have regular appraisals to monitor my progress and to give and receive feedback about my role and development. I have a college tutor who is there to help me develop my role, develop as an employee and develop my skills as I work towards my Level 3. I frequently research new activities and legislation on the internet to consistently develop. EYMP 4 – 4. 1 It is key to review my practice to ensure that I am fully up to date with latest legislation as things change so frequently and it is important that children are always kept safe and parents are always kept fully informed. It is important to think critically about what I do in my work and analyse how I do it and why I do it that way and asses the effectiveness of what I am doing at work and how I can become more effective. It is something that we need to do regularly to get a clearer picture of what we do in our roles and assess whether we are being really effective.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Does the movie THE PASSION bring about anti semitism Essay -- essays r
The Passion of the Christ, by Mel Gibson has taken America by storm. In the US alone, it made $83,848,082 its first weekend. As of April 25, 2004 it has grossed worldwide over $364 billion. Not bad for a movie with a budget of $30 million.           The movie is subject to a lot of criticism. People are worried about many things. Are the images depicted correct? Is it too gory? What will people’s reaction be? Will any demographic of people get hurt from the movie? A Catholic teacher from California was fired for offering students extra credit to see the Passion. (It is a rated â€Å"R†movie) There are many other problems too. Does The Passion bring about acts of anti-semitism? This will be the purpose of this paper.      To answer this question, I conducted a simple experiment with different variable. The first variable is age. The second is location. I interviewed sixteen people, (eight women and eight men) and asked them the same questions. Four males and females are from the Binghamton area, and four males and females are from the Long Island area.      I grouped the ages from 18-25, 25-35, 35-55, and 55 and on. I asked each person their faith/religion. I originally asked more than 16 people, but people who refused to answer the question or people of no faith were thrown out. I conducted the experiments at Loews Town Square 9, located at 2425 Vestal Parkway, Binghamton, and Loews Roosevelt Raceway, located at 1025 Corporate Drive in Westbury, Long Island.           I asked each person six question. The results follow: Sex:          Male Age Group:     18-25     Location:     Binghamton     Religion/Faith: Christian          Extra Pertinent Information: Very religious. Attends services regularly. Thoughts before movie: Excited to see a religious movie. Would you consider yourself an aggressive or easily agitated person? â€Å"Not really. Pretty laid back.†Do you consider yourself a religious person? Yes. Definitely. Do you think the movie will make people angry at th... ...s of the experiment are clear. One hundred percent of people showed aggression towards the Jews, after all but two claimed to not have an aggressive personality. Just look at message boards posted throughout the internet, or just talk to people. The aggression is there. And unfortunately, Mel Gibson’s movie is causing hostile acts.      I did not see the movie until the experiment was complete, in order to keep this experiment unbiased. I think that the anti-semitism in the movie was extraordinarily clear. I actually think it is totally contrary to the Catholic doctrine. Another thing is the history of the Gibson family. Mel’s father, Hutton, is an open anti-semite, holocaust denier, and accuses the current pope of being Jewish. When a person grows up in a household learning that, it stays with the person. I can prove this with another experiment. Kids who grow up getting physically abused, are usually abusive parents themselves.      In conclusion, the movie does cause anti-semitism and anti-semitic acts. The evidence is clear from the experiment. Hopefully, the world can get through this without any incidents.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Benefits and Costs of Economic Growth
Economic growth is defined as the sustained increase in real GDP or GNP per capita over time. Economic growth is desirable for an economy as it increases its real national income and standards of living for its people in general. Although it is desirable, economic growth does have its benefits and costs. One benefit would be increased levels of consumption. Provided economic growth outstrips population growth, it will lead to higher real income per head. This can lead to higher levels of consumption of goods and services. With economic growth there will be improvement in business expectations, leading to increase in investment. Firms replace worn-out/ obsolete capital or invest in new capital. There will also be expansion of demand, leading to increased output. Existing idle capacity and unemployed labour are utilised. This result in more people being employed, thus increasing the level of consumption within the country. If human welfare is related to the level of consumption, then growth provides an obvious gain to society. Next, it can help to avoid other macroeconomic problems. People aspire to higher living standards. Without a growth in productive potential, people’s demands for rising incomes are likely to lead to higher inflation, balance of payments crises(as more imports are purchased), etc. Growth in productive potential helps to meet these aspirations and avoid macroeconomic crises. Moreover, economic growth makes it easier to redistribute incomes to the poor. If incomes rise, the government can redistribute incomes from the rich to the poor without the rich losing. For example, as people’s incomes rise, they automatically pay more taxes. These extra revenues for the government can be spent on programmes to alleviate poverty. Without a continuing rise in national income, the scope for helping the poor is much more limited. Society may also feel that it can afford to care more for the environment. As people grow richer, they may become less preoccupied with their own private consumption and more concerned to live in a clean environment. Economic growth, though resulting in many economic and social benefits to the people in the country, is not without its costs. Firstly it could result in reduced current consumption. To achieve faster growth, firms will probably need to invest more. This will require financing. The finance can come from higher saving, higher retained profits or higher taxes. Either way, there must be a cut in consumption. In the short run, therefore, higher growth leads to less consumption, not more. Next, growth involves changes in production: both in terms of the goods produced and in terms of the techniques used and the skills required, the more rapid the rate of growth, the more rapid the rate of change. People may find that their skills are no longer relevant. Their jobs may be replaced by machines. People may thus find themselves unemployed, or forced to take low-paid, unskilled work. A richer society may be more concerned for the environment, but it is also likely to do more damage to it. The higher the level of consumption, the higher is likely to be the level of pollution and waste. What is more, many of the environmental costs are likely to be underestimated due to lack of scientific knowledge. Acid rain and the depletion of the ozone layer have been 2 examples. Lastly, it could deplete our non-renewable resources. If growth involves using a greater amount of resources, rather than using the same amount of resources more efficiently, certain non-renewable resources will run out more rapidly. Unless viable alternatives can be found for various minerals and fossil fuels, present growth may lead to shortages for future generations. In conclusion, economic growth can have both benefits and costs depending on certain factors. Moreover it is desirable as long as the benefits outweigh the costs.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
High School Students Should Not Receive An Education Essay
Throughout my days of being a high school student I have always been dedicated to doing all of my work and trying my best to do well in school. Might have had certain times where I didn’t feel like doing things but majority of the years in high school I have been working hard to get where I am at right now. The fundamental principle in Rich’s article is that females, as students should not receive an education, but to claim one. In Adrienne Rich s commencement speech, Claiming an Education  , Rich expresses her opinion on women s education and how it should be. Throughout history, women have had little chance to even get a higher education. While this has changed, what is taught has not. In today s society, it is necessary to change things that were previously unheard of. What is taught today is taught from a man s point of view. Not just man in general however. Women and minorities are, for the most part, excluded from giving their point of view. Adrienne Rich writes of the importance of claiming or receiving an education, a dilemma faced in most schools and curriculums across the world. Rich says that both students and professors are a part of the problem, â€Å"but ultimately those two parts are indivisible,†(1). Rich points out the problems with institutionalized education and says that â€Å"if university education means anything beyond the processing of human beings into expected roles, thr ough credit hours, tests, and grades, †¦ it implies an ethical and intellectualShow MoreRelatedThe American Education System1303 Words  | 6 PagesThe American education system is set up to create a clear division between the social classes. The quality of the education that children receive depends on whether they attend an elite school or urban schools. Elite schools are located in upper class neighborhoods. Students who attend elite schools receive high quality education. 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